Eben Benadé

Computer Engineer


Pursuing a masters degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Pretoria, with an interest in computer vision and machine learning.


Dense Monocular SLAM with Neural Networks

Still working on it.

Stereo Vision Depth Camera On A FPGA

A first principles implementation of stereo vision on a DE1 Nano SoC FPGA, capable of 640x480 30 fps depth estimation.

Autonomous Maze Solver

Design and creation of a robot car capable of navigating through a maze, with an ESP32 based control system. The ESP32 allowed for control using a web server hosted on the microcontroller accessed through WiFi.

Coloured Line Following Robot Car

The car must follow a green line which twists and turns over other coloured lines across a 5 meter track. The navigation is performed on a PIC18 microcontroller with very limited resources and implemented in assembly.
